Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where's that pretty smile? ....Oh!

So...the head of this mantis was actually the hardest part to build.

I couldn't find the right shape anywhere! It's not quite round, it's not quite square, and it's sort of like a squished pyramid...yeah, try finding that at the hardware store! So, eventually I decided to just shape it out of a propane tank.

But where to begin? Well, by using a ball of clay, I could try cutting it into various pieces and see how they fit back together. With a little trial and error (and a dash of desperation) I finally found a winning combo!

So, I transcribed the "cut lines" onto the tank...

...and got to work!

The eyes were tricky, too! Again, after countless hours of searching the scrap piles, I had to give in and buy something new....quick drains!

With a few snips here and there (once the grinder!) I had my eyes...or rather my mantis had his eyes!


And here we are almost all put together...him more than me, I think?

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